Aunt Audrey was downstairs sleeping, having been in town since early Thursday morning (the first time we thought I was in labor). When Pete got home from his run, he told Audrey what was going on, took Ellie downstairs to have breakfast with her, and he and I stayed upstairs until my contractions were about six minutes apart.
We took a few pictures of our family of three, and Ellie said goodbye to Mommy, Daddy, and Baby Sister. Still cannot believe that we took these pics at 10am and Caroline was here less than two hours later!!
Aunt Audrey brought Ellie to meet Caroline once she was up from her nap and we were off the labor floor. (HUGE Thank You to Audrey for taking care of Ellie for essentially two entire days).
We were able to go home after only one night in the hospital, so by late afternoon on Monday, we were back in our own house! This may or may not have been the best idea, but Pete and I were happy to have a sleepless night in our own bed, rather than the hospital.
Tuesday we all went to the pediatrician and Caroline was given a clean bill of health, and we made an appointment for Friday, when they would again check her weight.
Because Caroline took her sweet time in arriving, Pete was pretty much out of days to spend at home. He had to go to Dayton on Wednesday, but luckily could leave late enough in the morning that he was able to drop Ellie off at daycare. (I was not allowed to pick Ellie up for a week after my hospital discharge, and we certainly didn't want to have our three-day-old in the germy halls of a daycare building.) Pete would not be arriving home until around six, however, and the daycare closes at 5:30pm. Luckily, we have great friends in our neighborhood, so Ellie just went home with her classmate, Annie, and Pete picked her up at David and Sarah's house on his way back into town (Thanks again, guys!).
Then on Thursday, the Cavalry came! Okay, not really, but it sort-of felt like it. Thursday Pete was able to work from home which was great because BOTH girls were here, and, a little after five, he went to the airport to pick up.......
AUNT SUSIE AND UNCLE JOE!! Child caring-car driving-cleaning-cooking-laundry washing-dog feeding-diaper changing extraordinaires!!!
Friday was another day that Pete had to be in Dayton, but this time from about 6am to 11pm, so we really didn't know how I was going to get Ellie to daycare and Caroline to the pediatrician, all without lifting more than 10 pounds or driving a car. So when Aunt Susie offered to come and help like she did when Ellie was born, we graciously accepted. This time Uncle Joe came, too! They walked in the door with bag after bag of food and snacks and wine and pretzels and presents for Ellie. Friday morning Aunt Susie drove my car to daycare to drop off Ellie, and then we went to the pediatrician with Caroline (who at five days old already weighed more than her birth weight - holla!!), and the grocery store. Friday Uncle Joe grilled his famous burgers, and Saturday, when Pete was home, he made filets for the four of us, along with Silver King corn from Pennsylvania - we haven't eaten so well at our own house in years! Possibly ever!!
Pete was home again on Saturday, so Aunt Susie and Uncle Joe were able to drive around Lexington a bit and see what makes Kentucky so special - they saw the yearling sales at Keeneland, took the pretty drive through horse country to Midway, and stopped in at Woodford Reserve. All while doing laundry and cleaning the kitchen and still making us all of our meals. It was such a huge help to have them here so that I didn't strain myself with Ellie and was able to attend to Caroline as much as needed by a 4-7 day old baby.
Aunt Susie and Uncle Joe went to mass on Sunday, after which Pete drove them back to the airport and they flew home. Then it was just the four of us. We did some reading and napping and visiting with neighbors and called it a day.

first tummy time!

Oh. Em. Gee. That is the sweetest post ever in the world of posts! Those pictures!!! You, in labor, chilling on the couch with a smile on your face - are you KIDDING ME?! And the hospital picture of you and the girls....I'm in tears!!! And the one of Caroline on Pete's chest while he stares at Ellie, oh my GOSH! I can't take it!
You are honestly and truly a beautiful family, inside and out, all the way around. I am so blessed to know you. It was so good to see you on Saturday! Can't wait to snuggle that baby again soon!
OH!!! I'm a little bit in love with your Aunt Susie and Uncle Joe. Did you cry when she left? Because I cried when you wrote about her leaving. Aunts like that should never, ever leave.
Um yeah, I'm in tears too after this post. The beautiful pics, the heroic efforts of family/friends who helped out, and of course that precious new baby girl who I already love so much!
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