Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Christmas Day

Christmas morning came and we opened stockings and a few presents before it was time for Ellie to go down for her morning nap.

Ellie's favorite thing from her stocking was the grapefruit in the toe.

She liked it so much that we gave her ours as well.

While Ellie napped we ate breakfast and opened a few more presents. Audrey and Andrew waited for Ellie to wake up from her nap, but then it was time to say good bye.

As soon as they walked out the door, Pete sort-of crumpled. We all knew he wasn't feeling well but he had been putting on a good face for company.

Pete went upstairs to lay down and slept most of the afternoon - Ellie took two more naps and so did he. It was after 6:00PM by the time Pete and Ellie were awake at the same time. So we opened a present or two and decided that the rest of the presents could be opened the next day.

On the second day of Christmas Pete was perking up a little but still had a fever. Ellie was anxious for him to feel better.

We opened a few more presents and decided the rest could be saved until her birthday in April. It isn't like she knows she didn't open everything under the tree.

So that was our first Christmas with Ellie! Definitely not what we had planned, but we had some fun moments. Pete has now been on three different antibiotics (not for his throat but that's another story entirely) and was fever free by January 2nd. I think he had strep throat. In case you need evidence of how poorly he felt, he didn't run for 12 days in a row! That's the longest he has gone without a run since we've been married!! Even when he 'took a break' from running in 2008 to cycle, he still ran twice a week. If I ran twice a week I would be 'taking up' running.....

Our goose is thawing in the fridge so hopefully I'll make Christmas Dinner before the end of the week. Thank goodness there are 12 Days of Christmas or we never would have fit everything in this year. Perhaps we will have an Epiphany Goose!

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