Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Strife is O'er

I made it through another semester. It was definitely touch and go there at the end but I did it! All my finals have been completed and turned in (I loathe the take-home final), and I finished up my assisstanship hours today so I don't have to go back to campus until the spring semester!!!!

Grades won't be posted until next week and I'm not too positive on some of them, but I just keep telling myself, it's okay if I don't make straight As in graduate school, no one is going to ask me what grade I made in Alternative and Augmentative Communication before they will give me a job (I hope!).

Last night Dr. Marshall, who taught my Aphasia and Related Disorders class, had us over to his house for an end-of-the-semester gathering. His wife made enchiladas and we all had a good time relaxing for a few hours before everyone headed home.

So here we are, the class of 2011 (minus Tara, Cari, Brittney, and Lauren)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yaay! Love the picture!

<3 Barbara