Saturday, January 28, 2012

9 months old.

Oh Ellie. You are getting to be such a big girl!! At night Daddy sometimes says, "I love you so much, and I'll love you even more tomorrow!" Somehow it doesn't seem possible, but every day we do.

In your 9th month of life you accomplished many things. You........

-grew a 5th tooth! A 6th one is peeking out now as well.

-learned how to sit back on your bottom from lying on your tummy. Now when I come to get you after a nap, you are usually sitting up smiling and waiting for me.

-started pulling up to standing. First in your crib, then in the tub one night, then anywhere your little starfish hands could reach!

-became a real crawler.

-started having baths in the tub instead of the kitchen sink.

-started to reach for the pages of your Touch and Feel books on your own (favs: That's not My Bunny, If I were a Giraffe, and Usborne Touchy-feely Penguins)
-favorite toys: blocks - but this time knocking over towers, the plastic popper from our neighbors Bob + Julie, your new stacking cups, toy soldier rattle, and anything that crackles.
-emerging skills include waving bye-bye and giving kisses.

-at the very end of the month, on 1/24/12, you were diagnosed with your first ear infection, and began your first-ever course of antibiotics :(
- and the big one - bigger even than pulling up and crawling - you look at daddy every morning and say, "Da-Da"!!!!!


Pocket said...

Yeahhhh, Ellie!!!! So much to do, when you're nine months old! Keep up the good work!

Julie said...


Jennifer said...

Those videos melt my heart! I also love the 9 month pics where she is LAUGHING! What a happy girl!

Tammy said...

just adorable!!!! love the updates and videos :)