Monday, July 07, 2014

Fourth of July Weekend. 2014 Edition.

It's so nice when the Fourth of July falls on a Friday because we all get a nice, long, three-day-weekend.  Thursday night we took the girls the girls to the Concert on the Lawn at Transylvania University. 

We've gone at least three of the last four years - Pete thinks we skipped last year because of rain.  It is always on the third of July, and, in the past, featured the Lexington Philharmonic. 

This year the city decided to go with the local National Guard Band instead.  They were okay, but not as good as LexPhil.  We've since spoken with some neighbors who felt the same way.  But it was still fun, and the girls had a good time.  Ellie enjoyed the opening band the most anyway - the Dixieland Jazz Band - whose members' average age is 79.

We ate a picnic dinner and met up with some of our neighborhood friends, and snuggled in for the concert.  It didn't start until 8:00pm and our girls usually go to bed at 7:00pm.  When the group broke at 8:53 for a 15-minute intermission, we made the wise decision to leave then.  We had the girls in bed by 9:30, by which point they were pretty much both begging for it.

Friday morning I got the girls up at seven - they were sleeping in!!  they're usually up closer to six - to walk down to the entrance of our neighborhood to watch Pete run in the Bluegrass 10, 000.  Our neighbors Bob, and the Heathcoats joined me to watch and cheer for Pete.  It was really great not to be watching by myself.  Ellie also loved having a cheering companion in Stella.

Friday afternoon the Wheelers came to visit! We were so busy juggling girls and food and watermelon that I don't have a single picture.  We had a good time watching the girls play in the wading pool together, and think it was a great preview of the fun we will have on vacation this year.
 (update: raided Pete's phone for a picture)

We let Ellie stay up as late as she could while the Wheelers were here, and didn't put her down for nap until she ran inside to get her Cece and tell us she was sleepy.  SO - she didn't wake up from her nap until after five and the Wheelers had left to visit family.  We had a simple dinner of scrambled eggs, went on a bike ride around the neighborhood, and had the girls in bed by 7:30pm.  Around 9:30 the fireworks started at the country club next to our neighborhood so we rigged our baby monitor and walked down to the end of the block for a great view of the show.  It was a cool, clear night - perfect for fireworks.

Saturday morning, after a morning trip to Starbucks and Home Depot, Ellie and I had a mother-daughter date --> Audrey Eason's Third Birthday Tea Party! 

Audrey lives around the corner from us, but her VeeVee hosts her parties, so we drove just outside town to her party.  I think Ellie was pretty pleased to have this opportunity to listen to the Frozen soundtrack.  Again.  Ellie got to wear her bracelets and pearl necklace for this nice party, but was eager to pile on more and more dress up clothes and jewelry.  Here are a few pictures of her in full regalia.  After dress up all the girls sat down for tea and sandwiches and cupcakes.  We all had a great time and the weather could not have been nicer.  


After the party and nap, we loaded up and headed to the pool.  Our neighbors Bob and Julie were there so Ellie had a great time playing in the water with Bob.  We ate dinner at the Grille before heading home.  Ellie was insistent that we find Jack - Bob and Julie's 15-yr-old son - so we could say goodbye to him before we left.  He was sitting with a gaggle of girls and Ellie ran up to give him a hug.  Julie was pretty happy that we embarrassed the crap out of him :-)  It's the little things. 

Sunday we went back to the pool after another neighborhood bike ride, Caroline's morning nap, and some yard work.  After lunch, during afternoon naps, I finished laying mulch over our new shrubs and lilies in the front yard so the facade of our house is finally looking complete.  I've got a before picture somewhere, so maybe that will be another post.  We grilled shish-ka-bobs for dinner and ate vanilla ice cream in the back yard for dessert and called it a weekend!  Whew.  Hope yours was as fun as ours!!

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