Friday, December 03, 2010

SO Disappointing!!!

The University of Kentucky, in yet another money-saving endeavor, has cut individual college graduation ceremonies!!! So rather than having the typical College of Health Sciences graduation at The Singletary Center, where we can see our families and they can see us as we walk across the small stage and shake the hands of our faculty members, there will be one giant Graduate School ceremony at Rupp Arena with our name on the jumbo-tron. BOO!!

AND - so as not to interfere with the Derby, it's on Sunday, May 8th at 9am, rather than the traditional Saturday graduation. Yes, that is Mother's Day - will be my first Mother's Day - so I have to choose between being recognized for three years' of hard work or going to church on my very first Mother's Day. I was literally choking back tears when they made the announcement - I think we were all pretty disappointed.

I had been hoping on having a great little graduation weekend - Saturday could be the ceremony and a little Derby party in the evening, and then Sunday what family was in town could go with us as we returned to church for probably the first time since the Wee Crawford was born, and we could introduce her to everyone in the choir. I know I'm jumping the gun a little, depending on when our little girl decides to make her entrance I might not be feeling well enough to leave the HOUSE let alone have people over for festivities, but this has thrown a serious wrench in things.


Chelsea said...

Sorry to hear that Laura, but I assure you that while you feel disappointed now, by the time Lil Crawford arrives your mind will have turned to other things (namely changing and feeding and changing and feeding). :)

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

Wow ... graduation on Mother's Day. Bad form. Do you at least get to walk across the stage and shake someone's hand or do something?